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Metahuman Dave • May 20, 2024

Quitting TRT - Taking My Last Shot of Testosterone

Ending a life-long commitment with a proper human diet

Quitting TRT - Update after my final shot

I have officially taken my last injection of testosterone on Saturday, May 18th, 2024.

This means the challenge has officially started as I quit TRT with the help of a proper human diet.

It should always be a goal to no longer need medicines to get by, and while the health industry would like us all to believe some ailments require a lifetime commitment to their products, I can attest to the numerous testimonials I've seen of people no longer needing medicines due to changing their diet. I've seen people come off or significantly lower their insulin, I've seen “incurable” autoimmune issues go into remission, I've seen chronically obese people turn into healthy athletes, I've seen non-responsive psoriasis and eczema clear up in here I am, attempting to prove that even our hormones can be repaired when you take a proper human diet approach.

I intend to practice what I preach and rid myself of the need to rely on an outside source of medicine.

I have been titrating down over the past couple of weeks while also spreading out my shots. Last week I only took 2 very small dose shots. I also began my HCG which is used to stimulate the Leydig cells of the testicles to let them know it's time they produce their own testosterone again.

In the video I will link to below, I mentioned that my intention was to start my HCG earlier but I came to find out that I did not store my meds correctly so they were more than likely no longer effective and I had to get a replacement. The HCG will be used every 3 days until I use up all 5000iu.
I started with 500iu for the first 2 shots, but I will be lowering it to 250iu for the remaining shots.

(I had a headache all day yesterday so I'm assuming it was the HCG)

Even though I have significantly lowered my dose over the past few weeks, I still feel great! Mentally and physically I still have my normal motivation and good spirit.

I had a great HIIT workout yesterday even with the heat and humidity starting early.

I look forward to seeing where this challenge takes me. As I always say, there's no growth without resistance. We should always look for new ways to challenge ourselves.

Continue following the blog, or my YouTube channel to see more updates as I continue documenting myself quitting TRT after almost 3 years of usage.

Youtube video update

Now go out and have a great day!

“Raise your frequency”

-Metahuman Dave


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